A few months ago, I switched to Linux after 30 years of macOS for the same reasons. To me, it’s no longer benifitial to pay the additional Apple tax for hardware. After more than three months I can say that Linux serves me well. The sentence “it just works” no longer applies to Apple alone. In fact, I had to install less additional drivers (1) on Linux than I used to macOS (3) for the same setup. It shows how far Linux has come. Imagine where it will be in a few years, while Apple seems to be going backward in both the hardware and software departments.
And I am not a programmer alone, I do plenty of photo editing, where I use AfterShot Pro, Polarr, Krita and/or Gimp. For vector graphics, GravitDesigner does the job nearly as good as Affinity Designer or Illustrator, there are only a few features I miss and they are available in Inkscape.
More and more software companies, especially the new ones, are providing their products on Linux as well. Only the goliaths stay behind, but that’s fine because here are alternatives these days.